Accessing the Project Dashboard

After Signing up for Quetzal, you will be prompted to create a project.

Once your project is created, you can find it on your Quetzal Dashboard

Quetzal is currently free to use for translations to one other language/locale. If you need support for multiple languages, or a language not listed, please contact us

Using the Project Dashboard

The dashboard is the primary way to to keep tabs on your Quetzal integrations.

There you can find and manage the text across your app, and view all translated text.

Project Strings

The project strings tab lists all text that has been sent to Quetzal for translation.

The string’s text and its translations can be viewed and edited from this page.

Each string also lists the file from your codebase where it was found (if applicable), along with the date it was added.

Project Lingo

The project lingo tab offers a way to denote special words or phrases unique to your brand which should be translated in particular ways.

You can use lingo to specify custom translations, or prevent a particular phrase from being translated.

Common Tasks